Fair Housing Information

The federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of disability. Landlords and other housing providers may not discriminate against persons who are deaf or who have other hearing or speech disabilities. They may not refuse to communicate with you because you contact them through TTY, video relay or other relay systems. Landlords must make reasonable accommodations or allow reasonable modifications for persons with disabilities, such as allowing a hearing dog in a no pets building or approving the installation of strobes in an apartment.

Fair Housing Is Your Right. Use It.

Visit www.hud.gov/fairhousing or call the HUD Hotline 1-800-669-9777 (English/Español) 1-800-927-9275 (TTY)

The Town of Hilliard is a fair housing advocate. If you feel that you’ve been denied the sale, rental or financing of a home because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability, contact Ms. Lisa Purvis, Town Clerk at (904) 845-3555.